Thursday, January 5, 2006

Earth-Friendly Materials Go Mainstream

Building materials are catching on and becoming available to most everyone. In addition to recent availability of eco-friendly foods consumers can easily find a variety of green homebuilding products. Stores offering environmentally materials will gain more business from customers wanting to improve homes and pretect the environment at the same time.
New York times - Home Improvement
January 5, 2006
Ernest Beck

Earth-Friendly Materials Go Mainstream

YOUR local home improvement store may never be the same again.

Annie Marie Musselman for The New York Times

Timothy Taylor, of the Environmental Home Center, envisions a Home Depot in green.

In recent years, an organic food revolution has filled supermarket shelves with products like hormone-free milk. Now, growing consumer interest is encouraging a new generation of green homebuilding retailers. These environmentally conscious stores, which sell such items as eco-timber and insulation made of recycled jeans, are poised to become a national presence. Read more...

"The time is ripe, the market is ready, and the products are mature," said Greg Snowden, the chief executive of Green Fusion Design Center, in San Anselmo, Calif., which opened in 2004.